
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hot Off the Press!

Hello All,

I know it's been awhile, but I've taken a break (a lonnng one) from being crafty in order to be more artsy! I just started a new blogger page for all of my art related posts (new pieces, prints, exhibitions, etc), so I do hope you might decide to follow me on there, as well. :) Click here for Art by Rachelle

So - Due to the upcoming holidays, I've been working hard and am excited to announce a brand new line of postcards! 

They are 4" x 6" each and printed on 14 PT CS2 High Gloss coated card stock. Available in sets of 10. I think they would make great stocking stuffers, don't you? ;) One less item to check off of the list and it's unique! Perfect for any fashionista in your life. <3

Find them on Etsy to make them yours! This is a trial run though, so quantities are very limited. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Friday, January 6, 2012


Blogworrrrrrld!!! Oh I have missed you... yes I have, indeed.

Life changes a lot over here for me, so forgive my absence. I hope everyone had an absolute smashing holiday season!! To tell you the truth, December came and went and OH! hello, twenty-twelve.

1:50 a.m.
So, here I am- back to my old bad, bad habit of floating into the night completely unaware of the fact that the hours are just sneaking out the door behind me. Ah well... all in the sake of riding the creative wave when it comes. To use the words of my husband: "Nectar brah." (He's the coolest!) Eh-hem.

My in-laws are too good to me and gave me a shiny new Canon T3i Camera for Christmas...

Still seems peculiar without snow.


Zeus reminds Athena of the old adage: 
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog." 
Zeus lives by example.

Just do it.

Dogs know it's not bacon. They don't care.
