
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jewelry Box Makeover

Do you ever have moments where you need to make, paint or sew something; but are at a loss as to what?

It's like the creative juices are there and ready to rock 'n roll, but your mind didn't get the memo.

That was me last night. I had no idea what I really wanted to work on, so I grabbed this little raw wood box I bought recently and decided I would do something with it. I had no idea what. I picked up whatever happened to be laying around me and started applying. Here is the end result:

Most of the time, I just need to create...even if I don't know what will come of it...
I layered a ton of paint on this, as well as lots of gloss coating before sanding the corners. 
The initial result of the border on top wasn't too great, so I scraped off gobs of paint until I stopped with this result. What do you think?
 I could not decide what to do with the photo panel in the center, so I walked around the house thinking. Then it dawned on me that there were some little flowers outside on our porch.  
Note: I don't make a habit of snapping flower heads, but this little flower just fit the bill.
I always forget a before shot, so below is a similar photo of what it looked like before I got to it:

I would try to give a tutorial on this for you, but to be honest, I went into a zone where I could not begin to tell you the process. Mostly because I changed it multiple times! I would suggest just going to the craft store and buying the first piece of anything that you think you could have fun with. Use what you have around the house and whatever paints you have laying around and create something inspired by that creative energy! :)




  1. Wow, you made it look totally weathered and aged. So beautiful! thanks for linking up at Etcetorize~

  2. Love it! Thanks for stopping by Pink Dandy Chatter...following you on FB and Twitter =)
    Have a great week!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Nice work. I'm a new follower from What Allie's Making hop. I host a blog hop on Friday. You should come link up!

  5. That is such a cool look! So glad you linked up to the Tuesday To Do Party!

  6. Dang! Your blog is rockin...I discovered you through the DIY blogspot, I have to follow you...when you have a chance please drop by.
